Metallurgical Engineering.
Metallurgical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the interrelationship between the composition and processing of metals, together with their resulting effects on performance. It is crucial to make metals perform reliably and safely that they are understanding and applying metallurgical principles. With extensive knowledge and experience in a wide range of alloy systems, from basic steels to advanced super alloys, our engineers are able to provide our customers with smart, creative solutions. We are trusted to provide professional testing and analysis of materials for clients from the telecommunications, aerospace, steel and foundry, transportation, manufacturing, pharmaceutical/medical, building and structures, and utility industries.
Using both destructive and non-destructive testing methods, Cloudy People offers a combination of services for determining the properties, performance, durability, and corrosion resistance of metals and plastics, thereby ensuring the safety, compliance, and suitability of the material.
We offer advanced solutions in metallurgical technology as part of our materials testing services, offering specialist support in testing and consultation aligned with all phases of metals processing and product development. All materials are developed, processed, characterized, and tested by our engineers in a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary approach.